Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Vancouver Doula (...and Slow Birth): Prodromal Girls (or how to have the perfect Slow Birth)

Vancouver Doula (...and Slow Birth): Prodromal Girls (or how to have the perfect Slow Birth)

Thanks to Jacquie for this cute story (linked above). I would like to add my own recent doula experience to Jacquie's story...

Little Azuree (10 lbs 9oz.) was born at 4:28AM on 2/28/09 after mom had many hours of transition type labor - typical for large babies. Mom's as proud as punch! Mom's OBGYN threatened her with scarey (must have a cesarean, LGA) tatics. So this mom just showed up at a different hospital (at 6-7 centimeters dilated). She intuitively knew she could birth her baby normally - women are like that - intuitive. Baby took her sweet time and we knew to wait. wait. wait. The doc on call was pissed when he couldn't AROM (artifically rupture of membranes), break her waters. He almost did it anyway but the nurse reminded him he needed to have consent. Mom didn't give it. Baby said, "I am large and graceful, I am sweet and patient, I am warm and safe. Are you ready for me? Are you loving my journey? I am getting all of the goodness I can from this leg of my journey. Oh by the way, did I mention I am large?"

1 comment:

  1. ...and did I mention that Azuree's mommy pushed her out before the doctor could get there. Yup the doc was SLOW too! or maybe that's just the way this mom wanted things to happen ;)...


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