Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Stick a Fork in Me!

Stick a fork in me and you will find out that I AM NOT DONE! I am not done learning how to be a doula. I am not done learning to be the kind of person I want to be, the kind of person God wants me to be. I am patient with myself. That in itself is growth! But I now know that I will never be done! Life is an amazing journey, and I am open to learning something new every single day along the way. As an adult I learned that I am A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) and oh boy am I!!! Just ask my mom and my family. We laugh alot...

My imperfections (A.D.D.) serve me well sometimes as a doula. Birth is not predictable, measurable even. So an O.C.D. (obsessive complusive disorder) person might struggle with the ever changing birth climate, conflicting birth studies, variety of birthing women and the babies that come in positions and times that are not comfortable or not convenient....for whoever *tisk*.

Here's a
great doula! Fay is a doula in the UK. Here is a testimony from a happy mama!

I swear I will get back to Vancouver some day and when I do I will have a cup with
Jacquie. My Canadian mentor.

My local San Diego mentors are many. My doula trainer, Gerri Ryan is now a
midwife! And now my clients are becoming doulas and mentors. Ahhh the birth of a doula! Yes we are giving birth to strong women and safe babies. Who in turn will give birth to safe women and strong babies. I have a strong God who encourages us to love each other in a way that makes us a safe, peaceable, simple, happy people - not finished, quite undone, but happy.

I give thanks to Him. I am grateful. Gratefully underdone. Looking forward to what's cooking! What about you?

If you are cooking a baby, I am sorry to tell you that your baby won't be perfect. And I like to think all babies are perfect so that is hard for me to say! But truth be told, only God is perfect. Genesis 1:31 says, "
And God saw everything that He made, and behold, it was very good."
Very Good! Yay, I am very good! Your baby is very good! That ain't bad!

In our world today and particularly in our hospitals we expect perfect. We expect our bodies to birth perfectly. We expect our doctors to be perfect and we expect our birth plans to go perfect. Agh! Lets be real. As a doula I often say, "Birth works." It does most of the time. If given time and patience. If mom is given a few tips from our ancestors (squat), and a few herbs and a junk food free diet, birth works. Even if we do nothing, birth works. Babies are born.

Please be patient. with me. with your baby. with yourself. And finally with God.

Philippians 1:6
"And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion..."

Love you madly, Rosie

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