Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Beautiful Day For A Baby!"

Stay tuned, a great movie is coming out! If you loved reading Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, or Birth Matters: A Midwife's Manifesta, you will love this movie. Here is the Trailer.

Two filmmaking mothers have given birth to this beautiful film.  Sara Lamm and Mary Wigmore were inspired by the important work of world-famous midwife Ina May Gaskin and her incredible colleagues. They spent the last two and a half years juggling cameras, microphones, hard drives, preschool drop offs, nursing infants, pregnancy, editing schedules, babysitting schedules, American express bills, and vomiting four-year-olds, and as they say, "We are now ready, we are finally pushing this baby out!"
At the Los Angeles Film Fest Premire this movie won the AUDIENCE AWARD

If you haven't read Ina May's work go here.

If you want to purchase the movie donate $25 towards it's completion and circulation by clicking  here.

After watching this movie, if you think to yourself, like I did years ago, "Oh I wish I could have my baby on The Farm" (this is where the movie takes place and Ina May catches babies), I hope you know that there is a lovely, many lovely, qualified home birth midwives in your neighborhood. I believe you have the power to create the type of birth you desire. Heck when your baby was just a twinkle in your eye you had enough energy to create her, conceive her! With God's help you can keep that good woman power flowing. I found my Farm birth and so can you. Believe. 

God bless you, Rosie

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