Friday, April 24, 2009

Vancouver Doula (...and Slow Birth): Slow Birth call to action

Vancouver Doula (...and Slow Birth): Slow Birth call to action

A Must Read! The truth shall set you free! Halleluiah, let the revolution begin!

Dr. Lauren A. Plante, a US obstetrician, has written a wonderful article (a MUST read!) in response to the increasing industrialization of childbirth (cesarean section). Dr. Plante asserts that on-demand cesareans do not represent the height of women's autonomy, but are, in fact, the opposite. She calls for true autonomy for women - the right to choose from a spectrum of choices.

Excerpt: "Childbirth moves, first, out of the home, and now out of the vagina. Stipulate that antibiotics and blood banks are good and necessary things, and that emergencies may, in fact, develop: still, the majority of births will be normal. Or they would be, without interference. The species that cannot birth its young becomes extinct."

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