Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Want to give birth in a calm peaceful way without medication?

My friend, Carol Yeh-Garner is a hypnobirthing instructor. She posted this video on her facebook. She's not only a lovely person, wife, mom, and friend, she knows her stuff when it comes to hypnobirthing! I was fortunate to recently attend a series of her classes. My doula client, a first time very nervous mom, asked me to join her for the classes. Although I am a crone and not of childbearing age anymore, I still use what I learned in Carol's class almost daily! As for the mom who invited me to Carol's class? She birthed her baby in five hours and it was one of the most calm births I've ever attended. Wooohooo!

The key is total relaxation. Total relaxation is not easy, never is, especially at this amazing event - your baby's birth! So practice, practice, practice is the key. The evenings of listening to hypnobirthing tapes is time well spent. You deserve to take this time out of the day for you and your baby. Don't let the busy, crazy world interrupt this precious time as you prepare for the birth of your baby, the birth of yourself as a mommy, the birth of a daddy, and the list goes on and on and on...like a pebble in a pond. You may think, "whats the big deal" ....I say, its not a big deal, its a HUGE deal, how we're born. How we're born matters. Read Healing Birth, Healing the Earth by Sarah J. Buckley.

..."We live in a society where new mothers have unprecedented levels of distress and depression, and where our babies, with their colic, reflux, and sleep problems, are also having their distress medically treated. We live in a society where depression and anxiety are among the largest burdens of disease worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation, and children as young as four are being diagnosed with these conditions; and where young people, at the prime of their lives, are choosing in large numbers to opt out, with mind-altering drugs, or to opt out permanently through suicide...."

Oh no! erase, erase erase! That's a bummer statement! The truth is that we need to turn the corner. Let's begin at birth, the way we treat birth, I believe can change the world.

As Sarah continues, "...Birth is dying, but, like cells in her body, we each have the power to enliven her and to resurrect her in all Her glory. What is needed, I believe, is the collective passion, love, surrender, and power that we pour into the ether as we birth our babies.
And in healing birth, we are healing ourselves, our babies and the Earth."

Please take a moment to read Sarah's article in full.

Thank you and God bless. -Rosie Peterson

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